
1stI was still in Louisville, Ky and this particular day I was there for the Kentucky Derby. This was the 2nd year I
have attended the Derby as last year was my first, and well just like last year it was nothing but a nonstop party fest. I
bet on the horse The Devil May Care I believe horse number 10 but of course the damn thing didnt win it didnt even show.
This year the weather was a lil bit worst than the year before with it raining pretty much all race long. The partying
didnt stop there, we ended up going back downtown where all my boys work for more action and to catch the boxing match
Mayweather vs Mosely.  I became good friends with some dude in the NFL the night prior so we got in the this bar bowling
alley set up kinda like Lucky Strike (if you happen to know what that is) where they were charging 40 a person but good
thing for nfl players we manage to skip the line an head right in with no money and absolutely no problems. And just like
me and my friends bowling they destroyed the place and had a great time knowin these guys are rich an still not givin a
fuck an acting like a kid. I ended up staying in Louisville till the 5th and caught up on some work and did some tattooing.
On the 5th I made it down to Grand Cayman Islands I had no expectations of this place I just wanted to go cause on the
island they had a town called Hell so I was on my way to Hell and to my surprise the island was amazing.  I met up with
some dudes from england an scotland who live down there the first night.  So got to party it up with them a couple of
nights.  My first day there I went on a JetSki tour that had its first stop at StarFish Island. Just crystal clear water
with large starfish layin everywhere. Next stop on the skis was Stingray city.  This was amazing as soon as you got off of
the ski stingrays swarmed you cause they think you have food and luckily for them I did the guide had squid that he
actually would hold the ray an we would go under the water to feed it.  We also got to hold the ray ourselves and when you
tickled the back of his fins near his tail he would actually use his front part of the fin kinda like a sensor an it made
it look like it was kissin you. These things were super amazing an soft. Next stop we stop in another location to go
snorkeling and our last stop we pulled up to a bar located on part of the island and had some drinks and relax.  I did
make it to hell as well it gets its name after the black limestone formations there. Got lucky to get on a party boat one
night (which only local boaters are allowed to be on the water so to see the sunset was a chance many dont get but anyways
we headed back to stingray island which was crazy drinkin in the water an not knowin where these things were at all while
in the water so every once in awhile they bump into you.  Another day one of the guys I met from scotland was actually a
scuba dive instructor so to my benefit he was willing to take me diving without being licensed. It was absolutely amazing
I was kinda nervous about it myself since Im not much of a swimmer but Im glad I did. We dived a ship wreck off of the
town of georgetown which was pretty amazing cause not only where they 5ft Tarpan fish swimming and arm reach away from you
you got to swim in an out of this boat wreck.  My last day on the island I took a flight over to another island called
Barac. It was a very laid back island that only had 2 major roads on it that went from one side of the island to the other
and you actually had to turn around. There was not really much there to talk about it was more less just beautiful an
untouched but there were a bunch of caves that were all called something different that people sleep in during  the
hurricane season and one of them actually had a grave in it from a little girl who died there years ago during an
hurricane cause she got amonia.  After the caymans I headed back to my parents in York, Pa till the 21st for a week of
tattooing and yeah thats about it. Just tattooed didnt leave the house one bit while I was there.  After a crazy week of
busting my asstattooing in PA I headed back home to Cali.  My boy Rocky, Nick, and rockys girlfriend picked me up at the
airport an we headed straight down to San Diego to see As I Lay Dying play. Another amazing ass show by these guys in
there hometown. Afterwards Nick and I made it out in town while Rocky n his girl went back to the hotel cause they were lame.
The rest of the week I did tattooing an the following week got into some trouble with my boy Johnny when he got a Dui but
we were both safe so thats all that matters. Its just a shitty thing to go through but were both alive so fuck it. That
weekend tattooed an partied with the boys and a super cool chick Kaitlyn who is from my hometown of York and actually have
known for awhile and she actually just made the move to LA after hearing about her talking about it forever it seems so
she came up an hung out while I introduced her to all my boys and got some partying in with us as well.  I ended up stayin
in cali till the 31st Where I found myself heading back to the airport and back to Sin City.


so this month was by far to seem like the longnest month of the year not sure if it was because i didnt really
party all that much or cause i been desperately waiting for may 5th to come. which you will hear all about next month.
so anyways the month started out with me back at the airport flying to vegas to meet up with my parents for there first
trip to cali. We went an saw Phantom of the Opera at the Venitian since all of the good cirque du soleils were sold out.
took my dad to yardhouse the largest tap beer selection in the world since my dad is a beer coniseaur but of course he
had all the beers on tap. that wraped up the first night. the second day we got an early jump an made out way out of  vegas
an through Death Valley. which was really Death there was absolutely nothin for hundreds of miles.the following day we went
through yosemite park but since there so high some of the parks roads were actually snow covered still an was not able
to see the giant siquoia trees, but none the less yosemite was absolutely amazing. that night we made it to San Fran
where my parents an I just walked through the city. The following day was Easter Sunday and every year they have big wheel
races down Lombard St an for years I been wanting to do this race. but of course it decided to rain that day so
unfortunately i didnt race an actually not even sure if it was held. but instead we did make it down to San Jose where we
went the Winchester House. The story behind this house is absolutely amazing an was very interesting. So to save my lazy
ass some time if your interested in the story feel free to google it.  The next day we did Alcatrez and Angel Island.
Angel Island I never been to before its this beautiful Island that the military used for several different wars as a base.
Next was Alcatrez which this is now my 3rd time here an I think we all know about Alcatrez an the stories behind it.
The next day we our way down the coast hopefully in time to do the Heartz Castle and of course we were to late. Cause we
were drivin down the coast on the Pacific Coast Highway and kept gettin sidetrack with all the absolutely amazing views
and taken pics.  We did get to see The Friends of the Sea Elephants which are these large seals that beach up along the
coast. So the next morning we got up early for the tour of Hearst Castle. I was not really interested in much of the
story behing the place i just wanted to see it but since we had such an amazing tour guide he really kept my attention
and knew about a lot of interesting facts. We then continued down the coast and posted up in Monterey for the night to get
another early jump on the day the next day to do the Monterey Acquarium. The acquarium was pretty amazing but was bummed
there was no Dolphin show.  We then grabbed some lunch on the ocean and continued our journey down to finally HOLLYWOOD.
We drove up and through the hills an introduced them to my good friends Johnny.  My parents were tired so I went out that
night with friends.  The next day we went to the Getty museum which was my first time there and definately will be back
again for the next exhibit. This place is freakin ridiculous and has some of the most expensive art in the world. That
night we went to the Jimmy Kimmel where he held Martin Lawerence as a guest.  The next day was goin to be a relaxing day
we got up went down to Venice Beach an just relaxed all day. The next morning they returned the car an to the airport
we went. They were headin back home an I was headin back to Vegas for a week of Tattooing. It was a pretty tame week didnt
do to much. The following week it was the same story went to Phoenix, Az an pretty much tattooed an stayed up in the hotel.
The next week headed back to  the northeast an up to Ansonia, Ct. It was goin to be a pretty busy week for me but I did
manage to make it saturday night to make it down to New York City for Shawn Barbers art Exhibit an meet up with a good
friend and amazing tattoo artist Bob Tyrell. We ended up going out that night boozing together and mete up with two of my
other good friends Ori an Ashley. I did some more tattooing an the last day pampered myself at the Spa where I got a
manicure an pedicure. The 28th I headed off to Louisville, Ky for whats goin to be a week of gettin wrecked every night
since all my friends work at a bar so its kinda hard to avoid it. I will follow up next month with the weeks mischief. But for the wrap up I would just like to say thank you to Jamie from conneticut for my fourth time now visitin her in conneticut n she always takes care of me with my own room, food, and of course great clients an tattoos to do Alwayss a big THANKS…

The month of MARCH

kicked off with my boy Rocky an I heading to Daytona Beach for bike week. Rocky was never in florida
at all so I got him his plane ticket since works been a little slow for him an fuck it i like to do thing for my close
friends. So me an him were about to spend a couple of days down in Florida an meeting up with a really good friend Kenny
from the Adrenalin Crew aka AC an all the other riders an friends from AC.  The week was a little tame cause it was kinda
chilly out so we just partied it up at night each night with us all rollin out to the after hour spot till 6 in the morning.
I stayed a couple days later while everyone else end up leavin so I could tattoo. The 10th I headed down to Melbourne for
a couple  of nights to do some tattooing an made my way more south to Miami on the 12th to work on a bunch of new clients
and had a great week of tattooing and chillin with my boy Marcos a couple of the nights an actually enjoyin myself while i
was in Miami. Which ifyou knew me the couple of months i lived there i hated that place.  The 18th I made my way to Dallas, tx to meet up with a good high school friend Shea who made the move a couple of years ago on his own without knwoin a
single soul.  We made it to a black metal show the first night an then fri the 19th made it down to Austin, Tx for South by
Southwest music fest where I met up with another high school friend that was 2yrs older than me Brandon who now lives in
Ellicot City, Md.  He was in Austin cause he finally got a band together an out of my surprise is really amazing. So I
partied with him for 2 nights in Austin an then on the 21st headed to Houston, Tx to see Dillinger Escape Plan and Darkest
Hour with I wrestled a bear once.  A super amazing show an def glad we made the 4hr drive.  Next day headed back up to
Dallas for just a chill night to get ready for another 4hr drive back down to San Antonio to go into some Caves that were
amazing. An most importantly to watch the Los Angeles Lakers take on the San Antonio Spurs. And still to this day have yet
see the Lakers loose at a live game and defeated the Spurs easily. The 25th I headed back home to Los Angeles to do some
tattooing an well that was about all that got accomplished for the week I didnt really do much of anything not even party
it up with the guys all that much.

The rest of Febuary

was a lil on the low key side well i guess not exactly the week i got back from europe i landed back
into new orleans for my 4th year now of mardi gras. an like usual it was filled with nothin but a drunken black out time
the day i got back in i finished up a sleeve on matt asper who is a really good friend an actually the person i stay with
everytime im in new orleans who is nice enough have a place for me to rest my head an usually some people to tattoo as well.
the following day matts brother zach who lives up in PA who i also tattoo got into town. i ended up doin some work on his
upper arm while he was there of some older stuff. an thats when the partyin began matt took that fri till tues off so no 4am
wake up calls to head to work for him. first night we went an saw an amazing metal band that really doesnt get there full
respect called CrowBar. Really cool venue that was or is just set up like a airport hangar. show ended an down to bourbon st
we went an right to the Dungeon. My favorite bar that i have ever been to, to this day. the next day a good girl friend of
matts kaitlyn came to town who also is from pa. a super rad chick that drinks beer and is down to get fucked up just like
us boys. we picked her up with drinks in hand an to the 100oz daiquiri shop we went next. we headed to a parade in uptown
some how me an kaitlyn got side track from the rest of the group an our drunk asses climb in the back of a mini van of
someone we didnt even knows ride. well i guess lucky for the both of us she didnt drive off she saw we were in teh back an
we got kicked out. we wandered around the streets for awhile with no clue where or what we were doin. an somehow found some
lawn chairs in the median sat on them  an matt found us through the jam pack streets. that wrapped up that night. sunday
came around an more partyin began at 9am cause my sleepin was a bit fucked up from europe. we got more daiquiris some
sushi an drank some sake an then headed out to another show in Mediterie to see a hardcore band called My children My Bride
I was super excited to see them cause was a fan but never got to witness them live. an lucky for kaitlyn n zach it was there
first hardcore show. kaitlyn lasted 1 min before she flew across the ground from gettin slammed into. laughed it off
an said she had actually a good time. we ended the night a bit early cause Monday is a huge parade day called LondiGras
so we just wentback to the house and did some drinkin. mon camed quick an with another 9am wake up a run to the daiquiri
store an two bottles of jack in the pockets the day was to begin. i think i outdid my self by gettin 10 extra shots of
everclear in my daiquiri but fuck it it was time to end this week with a bang. we partied it up all night downtown new orleans
fighting throught the crowds n of course makin a stop at The Dungeon. i feel asleep on the toilet tryin to puke before bein
wake up to zach an kaitlyn about to fuck with me.. next mornin woke up puked at the gas station an grabbed my flight back to
pennsylvania. nothin crazy goes when im in town here i lay low tattoo all week an maybe make it out one night. on this
occasion i made it out one sat night with matts brother zach down to baltimore for the Emmure an Terror tour. Frankie from
Emmure hooked it up at the show the show was of course fuckin insane especially with it being sold out. afterwards i met
up with frankie we partied on the bus for a quick min gettin some beer in our system an headed down to federal hill to meet
up with a bunch of good friends from md who i all tattoo..  boozed up with them for a hot min an then headed back to the bus
did some partyin an then they had to leave an i got a hotel for the night. 2/23 i hosted my first event down in washington
dc McFaddens. Matt Taylor was cool enough to bring me in they paid for everything my hotel an gave me a bottle of jack
daniels and a case of beer. A good high school friend adam made the trip with me down. Did a bunch of tattoo contest where
we gave away bar tabs an just embarassed girls. it was super cool an absolutely had a blast with it all. the next day
they paid for another night at the room an i tattooed matt taylor an couple of his employees. next day i was lucky enough
to beat the snow an made it back home to los angeles. it was a pretty chill week didtn do much cause pretty much every
night i tattooed till 1 in the morning but sat only booked one appt so i could make it down to west hollywood for the tour
ending show of Winds of Plague and Dispised Icon. We had a group of friends roll down an we had a blast but the night ended
quick with a couple of the friends when we were headin to my boys bar in hollywood they got pulled over. but luckily enough
he was let off an that killed his night so he went straight home. while me and my boy JDub made it to my boys bar and
closed the bar out at 2am.


So another new adventure down this one has led me to my first over seas adventure. Of course I made this
trip by myself an actually im glad i did. the good thing about travelin alone i dont have to entertain noone. after my
12hr day of flyin i land in vienna austria realizin i had no damn clue to where my hotel was an better yet how to even
get to downtown vienna from the airport. im in foreign country which yes people do speak english but its pretty broken.
an as most of my friend know i dont care about shit so i knew i would find my way some way or another.
i get off the plane grab my bags and spotted a sign that says “cat fastest
way to downtown” (obviously in small letters under the german way of sayin this)
so i manage to get to the cat which was a faster version than the subway. got off manage to get a cab an
just told him to take me to the marriot downtown. an low an behold it was the marriot that im stayin at. if i was with
anyone else they would been more an likely upset frustrated or just a complete wacko. but i dont give a shit and i def dont now
cause im on fuckin vacation. so my first two days in vienna austria i wandered around the city with my tour guide
maureen van mortis. first went to some crazy ass creepy churches, went to some cool ass museums. and went around to local tattoo shops to try an get a guest spot at. On thurs 2/4 i flew to hamburg germany this city i couldnt manage so well through. i went out for lunch got lost an just decided to cab it back instead of findin my way back so on top of it all it was only 8euros away from my hotel which means i was fairly close for bein lost for 3hrs. that night made it out to a local bar for some drinks. the followin
day wandered around again for breakfast got lost findin the place but this time manage to get back to the hotel at the least.
the rest of the day i spent goin around to all the tattoo shops. I manage to find a really cool shop with good artist an
cool ass people called JungBluth Tattoo. That I will be tattooing at for two weeks each month for 3 months straight startin
in july. a huge thanks to cristina for drivin me around an findin out about all these tattoo shops. 2/6 i headed back to
to vienna, austria. i had two days left here in vienna so decided to do some fun shit that i never do. i like bein a lil kid
an actin like a kid. so i went to the ice skatin rink an did some skatin around. it was super cool they actually had like
an ice skatin rink. apparently my lazy ass is  out of shape cause i went around for like 20 mins an my legs were literally
on fire. so did another 20 or so minute run an then called it quits. that night went to a metal show which was a def high
light of it all. the headliner band was called full contact which i thought was the hardcore band from the state apparently
theres another band called full contact. had some good bier listened to some good tunes an called it an early night
cause the followin day i was gettin up early to head to slovakia. so sunday my last day in europe thats what i did. i headed
over to slovakia to run around. saw this cool ass castle ate some really good ass food an left cause it was gettin to cold
for me to stick around. so for goin to europe by myself things worked out fairly well. an i will b back in a couple of
months to try my luck around europe once again.again big thanks to maureen who trained it n hr in to take me out in the city
an then trained it n hour back every night. cristina who drove me around to all the shops an then i ended up flakin on when
i passed out when she was suppose to be pickin me up to take me out to the bars n clubs. and of course like alaways to my
girl Ashley who always makes sure my hotels are booked for me.Now back to New Orleans I go for this Mardi Gras / Super Bowl
partyin that is to b had.

Jan 2010

Ok I was told to do something different with my website caues I been keeping a journal for the past 7 months who a good friend suggested me to do since I travel so much an see an do so much. So I been keepin that but hell no one is able to read the fucking thing. So while I was here in Austria as in here its 2/3/2010 to post a blog about each month. So thats what Im goin to start doin this year so all my friends clients or hell if I have fans fans to. I apologize ahead of time for my writing i realize when I throw things together it doesnt always make sense

1/1/2010So I want to start off with New Years Eve 2009. I spent New Years eve 2009 in Los Angeles after a long trip back that same day from my bday bash down in San Felipe, Mx.  Me and one of my closest friends Rocky got up and started to get the day together we decided we were goin to just party it up at the house since the limo our other friend mr johnny lag on getting. So instead of worrying about who is sober enough to dry and or hotel situation we decided on the house. Grab a keg a nice $120 bottle of George E Staggs 141 proof whiskey and invited friends over an do it with just friends. Needless to say we had a great turn out and great company of people to share the new year with. The whiskey that was apparently won some whiskey contest the past 5yrs in the row in kentucky was absolutely horrible to drink. Should of known better since it did say 141 an just like 151 rum yeah tasted like hell fire. New Years Day we did a lot of cleanin up I mean alot we had party poppers and other confetti throwin things an with booze bein spilt on the hardwood floors yeah that shit was a bitch to clean up. So I actually missed out on goin to the rose bowl cause of cleanin up our mess, but didnt ruinin my game I was about to see at the staple center that night.  Allana a girl from texas was in town and me an her went down to the Staple Center to see the Lakers play the Sacramento Kings. I was pissed all game long cause i never been to a Lakers game where I actually saw them loose to anyone and on top of it we paid $250 a ticket but with the 4th period rounding out Kobe Bryant brought the lakers back  to only 2 pts for the last 2mins of the game and just like total Kobe Fashion he made the game winnin shot with 2.4 secs left in the game and my day couldnt of been better im actually glad i missed the rose bowl blowout for this game.  That night we partied it up at my boy Codys house cause he was soon to leave for school out in Iowa. I stayed in Cali till the 10th an pretty much just crammed in a bunch of tattooing nothing to excited really went down but on the 9th Rocky, Fat Nick, and I all went down to Anaheim for the season opener of Supercross.  Did a little tailgatin in the parkin lot an then finally got into the Anaheim Angels baseball stadium to see of course James “Bubba” Stewart win another damn race and did some more partyin for my last night in town at the house with the boys.

1/10/2010 I flew into Phoenix, Az to try an not feel like a dick and do it just for business but met up with my old boss Robert from the last shop i worked  for in Hollywood his X shes been bugging me to get out there an tattoo her an her new bf I really wasent expectin much but she mention if for some reason I wouldnt tattoo anyone a day that she would pay for my hotel that night. So I figure what is there to loose.   So to my surprise I was actually really busy and did a lot of fun lil pieces that I was super happy about.

1/15/2010 Flew into Baltimore, Md to catch the Adreanline Crew 4 – Verdict Guilty primiere on the 16th. So fri the 15th when I got into town I landed met up with my boy Derrick who picked me up from the airport started tattooin up his back piece. Then he dropped me off at my other boy Dereks house to make a night out in town in Federal Hill. Sat the 16th my boy Adam from PA picked me up at Dereks house and off to Washington, Dc we went to make for a wild night in Dc.  As soon as we got there I ended up tattooing my boy Mike Jones from conneticut in the hotel. After I finished up tattooing him  we all gathered up the gang an headed off to Club Fur for the primiere.  Adam and I stayed around for the primiere an then went back to the hotel to booze there before goin back to the club since the primiere was at 9pm. At midnight we rolled back to the club and a good friend of mine Megan hooked Adam and I up with table service so with a bottle of Jack Daniels and 3 buckets of beer between just the two of us the night went black and Adam ended up pukin when doin a shot of jack at the table. We headed back to the hotel at 4 in the morning an I had 3 friends have 3 different hotel rooms but for some reason my dumb drunk ass needed one and seemed to buy one even though I woke up in a suite all by myself not one other person was in the room.  So day 2 in DC the 17th we went to the last hour or so of the IMS tour cleaned up the booth and headed back to the hotel but on our way over to the hotel steve decided to take the table we had merch on that he would put the table in the middle of the street  durin DC traffic an lay on it, know one had balls enough to hit him nor could anyone go around so he just laid there. We picked it up before cops came an made it to the hotel for free booze 5-8 and watch the god damn San Diego Chargers loose.  We then went to McFaddens in Dc to meet up with a good friend that I met in lousiville, ky Matt Taylor who opened the McFaddens in Phoenix and is now workin at the bar in Dc.  Got a couple of drinks an rolled out cause we were all a bit to drunk an didnt want to make a scene in his work cause when its Kenny, Steve, and Me shit seems to get a lil to wild.  So we went back to the hotel kenny for some reason passed out and Steve and I rolled back out to china town till i got the call that Matt was done with workin an headin to these other bars. We met up with Matt an his friends and partied it up till I dont know when.

1/10/2010 I flew into Phoenix, Az to try an not feel like a dick and do it just for business but met up with my old boss Robert from the last shop i worked  for in Hollywood his X shes been bugging me to get out there an tattoo her an her new bf I really wasent expectin much but she mention if for some reason I wouldnt tattoo anyone a day that she would pay for my hotel that night. So I figure what is there to loose.   So to my surprise I was actually really busy and did a lot of fun lil pieces that I was super happy about.

1/15/2010 Flew into Baltimore, Md to catch the Adreanline Crew 4 – Verdict Guilty primiere on the 16th. So fri the 15th when I got into town I landed met up with my boy Derrick who picked me up from the airport started tattooin up his back piece. Then he dropped me off at my other boy Dereks house to make a night out in town in Federal Hill. Sat the 16th my boy Adam from PA picked me up at Dereks house and off to Washington, Dc we went to make for a wild night in Dc.  As soon as we got there I ended up tattooing my boy Mike Jones from conneticut in the hotel. After I finished up tattooing him  we all gathered up the gang an headed off to Club Fur for the primiere.  Adam and I stayed around for the primiere an then went back to the hotel to booze there before goin back to the club since the primiere was at 9pm. At midnight we rolled back to the club and a good friend of mine Megan hooked Adam and I up with table service so with a bottle of Jack Daniels and 3 buckets of beer between just the two of us the night went black and Adam ended up pukin when doin a shot of jack at the table. We headed back to the hotel at 4 in the morning an I had 3 friends have 3 different hotel rooms but for some reason my dumb drunk ass needed one and seemed to buy one even though I woke up in a suite all by myself not one other person was in the room.  So day 2 in DC the 17th we went to the last hour or so of the IMS tour cleaned up the booth and headed back to the hotel but on our way over to the hotel steve decided to take the table we had merch on that he would put the table in the middle of the street  durin DC traffic an lay on it, know one had balls enough to hit him nor could anyone go around so he just laid there. We picked it up before cops came an made it to the hotel for free booze 5-8 and watch the god damn San Diego Chargers loose.  We then went to McFaddens in Dc to meet up with a good friend that I met in lousiville, ky Matt Taylor who opened the McFaddens in Phoenix and is now workin at the bar in Dc.  Got a couple of drinks an rolled out cause we were all a bit to drunk an didnt want to make a scene in his work cause when its Kenny, Steve, and Me shit seems to get a lil to wild.  So we went back to the hotel kenny for some reason passed out and Steve and I rolled back out to china town till i got the call that Matt was done with workin an headin to these other bars. We met up with Matt an his friends and partied it up till I dont know when.

1/18 Made it BWI airport and now off to Las Vegas.  This was goin to be a chill week for me in Vegas cause I had my trip to Europe comin up in 2 weeks.   So nothin really happened this week but met a super cool chick Crystalina and drank at PTS with my boy Ryan and Andy.

1/25 I flew into Louisville, Ky to meet up with a good friend Keith who I met at the McFaddens in Vegas and his roommate Justus who opens McFaddens up everywhere in the states.  Keith ended up moving back to his home town of Louisville about 2yrs ago now and I made this trip cause on the 29th was Justus 23rd bday.  I ended up missin my flight on the 25th so got into louisville a bit late. I played some Dj Hero with his roommates an called it an early night. The next couple of days consisted of wakin up at 2pm tattooing till 10-11pm and partying it up till 4 am. The first night i guess we all got blacked out drunk an apparently I gripped some girl up by her throat and she screamed murder and just like every stupid girl I guess she still wanted to go back to my boys house. But they took me around town a couple of nights an met a lot of good people that want to get some work done from me when I get back in May for the Kentucky Derby.

1/30 I made my way to New Orleans, La where I was going to be leavin from to go to Europe and then come back for Mardi Gras.  So that sat the 30th my good friend matt who lives there picked me up from the airport headed back to his house to drop off my shit an pick up his gf and then downtown we went.  It was my idea to roll downtown cause I wanted to see this band Throwdown that Im a huge fan of but when we got there come to find out they pulled out of the tour but with gettin 3 tickets for 10 bucks we went into the show anyone and a band that replaced Throwdown – God Forbid was playin who I do enjoy so the show wasent a total bust.  We called it an early night and I when we finally got back to the house I had hate text msg galore for not havin either phone on me all night long. The next day we just woke up and I tattooed my boy Matt all damn night did some wash an got ready for my first trip to Europe tomorrow.