December 17, 2015

Day 83-86

pure amazingness

pure amazingness

Nov 25th Day 83 on the road. Get up and check out of the hotel to keep on heading south.  I only plan to ride a few hours just outside of Uruguays border.  So within a few hours I am in the vicinity I want to be for the night theres a split in the road to take me north to a small town or south to where I plan on camping.  I head into town to grab some food my lunch. It is probably around 2 at this point in time I find this crossiant place that looked good so I hop on in there.  Well let me tell you this place was probably the best original food I have eaten on the whole trip.  It was a crossiant that had dorrito chips jalepeno cheese and chicken.  I then had to try the desert this to was god damn amazing it was a crossiant filled with strawberrys and nutella drizzled over top chocolate syrup

this spot should do

this spot should do

and came with ice cream on the side.  Needless to say I left this place one happy ass camper.  I then make my way down to Casino, Brazil about 30 or so minutes south from where I was.  Get into this town and follow this car right onto the beach. I cruise the beach for a good while passing several people park sunbathing relaxing or whatever.  I end up crossing 2 small streams that go into the ocean before finding a sweet spot between the sand dunes.  I figured this be a good place to crash

just working with tools i got

just working with tools i got

for the night.  I pass out sunbathing on the beach for a little while before waking up and deciding you know what fuck it Im going to get me some wine.  So I mark my little site with a stick and tie a trash bag to it and head into town to find a supercercado (supermarket).  Find one fairly easy grab some wine an a bottle of water and head back onto the beach in hopes no one took my sweet spot I found.  Sure enough no one did so I parked back in my spot and watched the sunset begin to set.  I go to open my bottle of wine an realize FUCKKK its corked how the hell am I going to get the cork out.  Then I remember wait a second I have the tire repair kit that should cut it.  So I dig around in my top box for the screw thingy that your to use to put a bigger hole in your tire before plugging it.  Find the bad boy and sure as shit with a little tug and a grunt the cork came right out.  After I start sipping my wine frome the bottle watch the sunset I look over to the other side and realized wait its a full god damn moon.  Here I am in Brazil after riding my motorcycle from california sitting on the beach watching the sunset to the south and the full mon rising to the north.  It was definitely one of

The best night by far

The best night by far

those moments that no words could explain and god damn it was good to be alive.  I end up drinking the bottle of wine while setting up camp and for dinner eating another MRE before going to sleep. Day 84 get up pretty early cause again my ass couldnt sleep not cause I was freezing but because the tent made so much noise cause it seemed

County #73 here I come

County #73 here I come

like a hurricane going on outside.  I get out of my tent and everything was covered in sand.  So after about a hour or probably even longer of trying to clean sand out of my boots my bag jacket an pants I roll up the camping shit and get back on my bike to head south.  I get to Uruguay in about a hour now I am worried I still might get my ass in trouble for never importing my motorcycle but after about 10mins I was checked out of Brazil without a issue and heading towards Uruguay border.  This was a really random situation when you get checked out of Brazil there is actually a town in between the borders. Not exactly sure how that works but I stopped for food here before carrying on into Uruguay.  After get my bike imported and stamped in I cruise for about a hour and realize the road is a god damn landing strip for planes.  Like I think still to this day they land planes on this road cause they even have a plane road sign.  After being a

check out this bad ass castle

check out this bad ass castle

dork taking photos of the road I move on further before seeing a castle.  So I cruise up the hill to check the place out.  Walk around for a few a bit at the castle and take a bunch of photos before carrying on south.  I see signs for a beach town called Punta Del Diablo I figured well its called the Devil I am going to check this place out.  I roll into town where all along the way they have campsites.  Pull up to the beach area where its all these small restaurants. A really awesome place that I was going to stay but figured I can camp for free elsewhere and not really hungry cause I just ate like 2hours ago.  So I pull out of town and continue further south technicall at this point I am heading west not so much south.  I find on my gps a road that goes down along the beach not inland where I am currently riding. So I end up taking this road for a good ways before deciding to go down this  dirt path to see if I can find a place to camp.  I cruise down this path for about 10mins where at this point I came upon a bunch of vacation homes.  All of them looked vacant so I decided to head back a bit away from the homes were I saw a little pull over area.  I decide this area will do so I park the bike and start unloading stuff off of it.  Now I can hear the beach so it cant be far but I cant actually see it.  The area where I set up at is a nice size

my united states "thanksgiving" dinner

my united states “thanksgiving” dinner

clearing with woods all around.  Now I been waiting to start a damn fire and I think tonight (united states “thanksgiving”) I am finally able to do just that.  I gather a bunch of wood and get all the shit together and sit there and wait for 3 hours listening to music on my little portable speaker waiting for dusk.  Finally it starts to get dark out where at this point I get a bit excited and try to start this damn fire up.  I am using matches that I just throw at the base of the fire and spray wd40 to cause a torch.  Within a few minutes my fire is a blazing I grab myself another MRE and enjoy this day that people in the United States are feasting with friends family and loved ones eating amazing meals.  Here I am listening to music 3hrs from the nearest town near the beach with a campfire eating freeze dried food.  Sit by the fire for a few hours before I ran out of wood and decided to crawl into my tent and call it a night.  Day 85 get up early around 9 or ten I think start packing up my tent shit and heading towards the city of Montevideo.  I ride for a few hours before getting blasted by a storm not to far from the city.  Yet I ride for almost 2hrs in this storm thats blowing me all over the road before arriving into the city where I am atleast going slower.  Get to my hostal get checked in and instantly get out of my wet ass clothes and crawl into bed to warm up.   This is when I realized that cell phone #2 is not working.  Now my riding gear is waterproof but of course I am sure a bit of water can get though the zippers.  Well that little bit of cunt juice that barely came made Piece of shit Iphone number 2 to fry.  (fucking hate iphone so much)  Anyways my phone is gone guessing all my new pictures are gone so I am bummed the shit weather outside does not help so I just lay around in bed.    Finally start feeling better so I decided to go find some place to eat.  I head into the square of town near the hostal as I am searching for a place to eat the wind starts picking up something fierce and it starts to rain again.  I right beside a Subway restaurant at this exact moment so I say fuck it I am not walking anymore in this shit and just grab me a sub.  I cant decide on what one I want so I actually get 2 six inch subs instead.  Get back to my room grub down the one sub have a bite of the other and figure I would just save it for tomorow.  Now I am supposedly be staying at a party hostel here but all i fucking heard was some piece of shit human being you gapin hole mothers call kids.  Needless to say I was highly annoyed and soon realized this place fucking sucks and I sure hope there leaving tomorrow if not I definitely will be. Day 86

The Locks Of Love Fountain

The Locks Of Love Fountain

get up in the morning grab the free breakfast down stairs coem back up to my room to get ready for the day.  I over hear this german couple with the little demon twat say there checking out.  So I decided to stay in the hostal again tonight if thats the case.  So I leave my bags in my room and head back to the square for the hop on hop off bus tour.  I take a cruise of the city for a few hours before hoping off and just deciding to walk the rest of the way back to the hostal.  Get back around 6ish so relax for  a few before around 9 deciding to grab some food.  I asked the front desk lady where can I get a locals dish.  She mentions a place down the street but asks me if I plan on going now.  I tell her yeah why is the place closed. She says no not thats its closed but most people dont go out till 10PM.  I said okay yeah I am going so i roll into this restaurant at 9pm and sure as shit its me and one couple in this place.  I get the local dish Chivito and this fucking thing was amazing.  Get back to the hotel in hopes this “Party Hostal” would be partying but no I get back around 11 an nothing is going on. So i just head to my room and call it a night.

Not much to see but still a Pretty amazing place

Not much to see but still a Pretty amazing place

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