Tattoo Artist who is traveling around the world on his Motorcycle. No holding back on what he likes and dislikes this is all just opinion coming from first hand experiences.

My return

The Return to PERSIA May 11th – woke up in UAE I am heading to the Dubai airport for a short flight over to Bandar Abbas, Iran.  I have a short one hour flight and finally after 6yrs I will be back in Iran.  I land around 1:30pm in Iran they do the normal paper…

2nd round in Jordan

16th of Nov – 3 out of the last 4 days had consisted of 10 plus hours of riding not consistently but with military stops and fuel stops.  When I got to Jordan I was going to relax for two days and just slow things down again.  Today I had planned on trying to find…


Day 56 – Got up with no real rush to get anywhere I had just a easy 4hr drive up to Poland.  The German guy who rented me kayak the day before mentioned about an area a bit south that rents kayaks to go down a river.  He showed me on the map where it…