October 23, 2015

Day 41-44

Oct 14th Day 41 wake up front desk has a bus heading to santa marta at  11am.  Pack the one bag I have and head down to the lobby for the bus.  Bus picks me up and on my way to Santa Marta.  Arrived around 4 but it was raining so it was already pretty dark out.  Grabbed some food on the main strip by the water which kinda reminded me of ocean drive in miami after a stroll around got in contact with the guys to see what they were up to but since wifi is

Beach front stroll in Santa Marta

Beach front stroll in Santa Marta

spotty and no one has unlimited text (thanks to my boy derek campbel who takes care of that for me ha) I have to wait till there phones get wifi so they can imsg.  I hear back from them around 11 but sounds like everyone is fuckedalready so i just stayed in mainly cause I was to meet up with a lady next day to show me around town.  Day 42 after i get up I head to the ladies office to see what she has to show me.  Drives me around the different areas of Santa Marta to show them to

We meet again friends

We meet again friends

me and then get back to my hotel contact the bday boy Rowan to see what the plan is and shortly after I am on my way to there hostel about 15mins away in a different part of the city.  When I arrive half the crew from the boat was there so it was easy to pick up where we all left off and get some shots drinks an whatever else is allowed in colombia.  Rowan was on a mission to drink 30 beers cause it was his 30th bday and I so randomly was able to purchase that one for him so I tap the top and

Rowan 30th beer for his 30th Bday

Rowan 30th beer for his 30th Bday

made im chug it.  Partying continued but the bar of the hostel Rowan was staying in we drank all there tequila and just bought the last 8 beers out of there fridge so they were closing.  We took the 8 beers and went over to Ryan and Grace Hostel which was just a few blocks away and drank there while Rowan had us all die laughing having a fun time that had macy gray hair while the whole time there was a guy with only one leg passed the fuck out on the floor behind us crutches sprawled on the grounds around him.  We bullshit had some

the one leg party animal

the one leg party animal

great laughs and then we all said our goodbyes cause for me this might be the last I see of those guys for a long while.  Day 43 I left Rowans hostel at 430am woke up at 9am to get on and figure out where the fuck is my motorcycle.  Andre says there in cartagena now.  So i grab the next bus to cartagena Andrea who was in santa marta as well who worked on the boat came with me and back to another 4hrs on the bus. I called Andre when I was close he said you have to be here by 4 to be able to register it if not you have to wait to monday.  Now im fucking tripping cause its 315 and doesnt look like im close.  Bus arrives in the city at 33o i just get off at the first stop to just catch a taxi to get

finally i am allowed to ride my motorcycle again

finally i am allowed to ride my motorcycle again

to the boat. I get to the boat a little after 4 he tells me you better hurry the office closes at 5 and you should been there at 4.  Well this definitely pissed me off cause I been in cartagena all damn week but I kept my mouth shut Andrea says she will watch my stuff just hurry to the office and she will meet with my stuff at the hotel.  I make it to the office at 430 the guy was super nice and had no problems taken me later than normal he said lets just hurry.  At 513 I am out the door with papers in hand.  I am finally back on my bike so I take a cruise around cartagena to see the sun setting and end back at my hotel. I load the rear bag on

Betty and I enjoying the Sunset

Betty and I enjoying the Sunset

the bike and take it to a nearby parking area and call it a early night cause I have a 9 hr ride south tomorrow. Day 44 wake up at 7 am to get on the road as early as possible because I knew I had a long day ahead gps says 9hrs but I come to realize whatever that thing says is not always right.  Grab my bike from the parking area come back to hotel load everything back on her this time (even the tires an gas cans) since she was naked the night before besides the rear box.  Get it all loaded up and off I go back on the road finally heading south 2 weeks later.  Leaving the city was pretty chaotic which its a city of course but once I got out of that mess things were really nice.  The roads were amazing just simple easy turns along the bottom of the mountains. I ran into a guy on a 250 at a construction stop who we end up riding for a good 3hrs together and man that little 250 fucking moved some of those turns I wish I was on his bike im sure that think is so much fun going through the turns compared to my big ass bulky thing. (which is not even that big)  He ends up stopping along side the road to meet with another

clearly no bitch american kids - look there outside at night and look No Helmet

clearly no bitch american kids – look there outside at night and look No Helmet

guy and thats when we split ways.  I stop grab some street meat along the side of the road that was phenomenal and carried on.  Now my gps at this time said I was half way well about a hour or so late I started heading up the moutains and was greeted with rain fog and since its rain an fog the sun isent exactly shining through.  Now I couldnt see more than a truck length in front of me and the roads are nothing but blind turns but its either to sit behing a truck going like 6mph up a hill just riding my clutch or pass the fuckers.  Well the next 2-3hrs was probably the most heart pounding experience passing these trucks and then saying o fuck an having to make a 90 degree turn all of a sudden.  It was definitely a bit of relief when I finally got above the clouds.  I

ugh finally my gps said I was 3600m - 11800ft

ugh finally my gps said I was 3600m – 11800ft

was debating what to do should I continue on and find a place to crach cause now it is getting dark (which is at 630pm) or keep moving a long.  I ended up just moving on to the city of Medellin like planned.  I was worried going back down the other side I would run into the same rain an fog luckily for me I did not and 13hrs of riding later I arrived in Medellin.  I was looking for the us embassy aka mcdonalds for wifi but after my gps taking me to 3 locations with no McD I decided to get out of the city a

thank you hotel

thank you hotel

little and find something.  I got to this really nice rural area of the city found me a Burger King grab me some shit food that was so damn good after that ride and got on wifi.  Roscoe and his girl Femke were to be in Medellin as well today so I was hoping I get a text from them.. Sure as shit as soon as I got on wifi there imsg came right through.  They told me of there hotel and I booked one a block away from them. I finished up at BK and made it to my hotel and with my surprise was amazing for the price.  The fridge even came stocked with more beer than water.  Now this was the best way to end a day for sure.  Spoke with Roscoe we talked about getting together in the morning and exploring the city so decided to stay in on a saturday night after the long day.

lost in downtown Medellin looking for the Embassy and came across this place

lost in downtown Medellin looking for the Embassy and came across this place

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