November 2, 2015

Day 48 – 52

HELLO Country number 67

HELLO Country number 67

Oct 21 Day 48 on the road.  Got up and out of my hotel in Pasto, Colombia and made some copies of my registration passport and my fake title and drivers license (in central america they seem to need 2 copies of everything).  Have a easy 2 hour ride to the border where I arrive and not on single person is bugging me to help me.  I walk up check my bike out of colombia (as in just hand him my paper an walk away) go to the immigration get stamped out and ride 5 mins to Ecuador where again not one single person to fucking bug me.  This seems awful weird like those people are still sleeping or something.  So fill out my immigration form get stamped in go to the importation window hand her only one paper of each and she hands them back (cause she uses a fucking computer) and then off I go on my marry way.  I was truly blown away how easy that was in

Bert and I made to the center of the world -- the Equator

Bert and I made to the center of the world — the Equator

central america I literally dread the day I cross into a country guatemala and of course mexico were the only easy ones and thought to myself man if I never ever ride my motorcycle again through a border crossing it be because of that.  Anyways im in Ecuador heading for Quito. Arrive around 3pm check into my hotel drop shit off and rush over to theMitad Del Mundo aka the Equator. The place closes at 4 so I rushed over there was not all that much to see but wanted to see

Foch Yeah Square

Foch Yeah Square

something while in Quito and thought that seem pretty damn rad.  So Bert and I got some sweet photos of each other and I head back to the hotel to park the bike.  Asked the lady where to eat she mention the square well okay off I went and man was the square pretty rad all restaurants and bars literally in a square, well Ill be damn. Ate some fajiatas and indulge in the buy one get one drinks.  Finished up there and just called it a night. Day 49 I made the 6hr drive to Guayaquil which is back towards the coast and a fun fact its “Ecuadors most dangerous city” which is theft robbery home invasion yeah real scary. So anyways I get in late cause traffic was fucked it took me 2hours and

Ecuador largest city

Ecuador largest city

15mins but what my gps said should of only been 28mins.  So i got to my hotel a bit late checked into my hotel and decided to walk around in this dangrous place cause im feeling risky.  I head out looking for food where the lady pointed me to go.  Well I walked up and down the street she suggested and it was nothing but chain restaurants mainly american ones.  So pizza hut caught my eye since I have not ate pizza since I been on the trip. Grabbed some of that goodness and then walked around a bit more down to the river walk area took some photos grabbed some yogurt ice cream on my way back and called it a night.  Day 50 I was planning on heading up to this hippy beach town called Montanita but was only 2 n

Awe the beautiful pigeons

Awe the beautiful pigeons

half hours away. So decided to check out Guayaquil during the day.  Walked up on this parked that had some pigeons so I took photos of the sweet pigeons in the park and walked around a bit more.  Came up on a museum of artifacts check it out not to much of my interest so was in and out in 30 mins.  Saw another museum of religious art now art I like and love the blood murder torture of what comes in religious art.  So here I was not allowed to take photos but of course i snapped some off when know one was looking.  Finished up there and went back to my hotel to grab my belongings get my bike out of the garage and move on to the beach.  I make the short ride to the beach in

always feels good to be back on the beach

always feels good to be back on the beach

2hours and realize the hostal I booked is on a no driving road. So I have to park my bike on the streets like 6 blocks away and carry my shit to the place.  Well so that is what I do. Check into this rad ass hostal where they offer really nice private rooms.  Dropped my shit off throw on the board shorts and sandals and head to the beach before the sunsets.  Walk up to some cerviche on the beach  couldnt pass that up so grub that down and got myself a beer.  Did some strolling around the beach there and

Cocktail Alley in Montanita

Cocktail Alley in Montanita

man I really like this place super laid back vibe kinda like venice beach in california.  End up drinking the night away bouncing around by myself from this rad sand bar that had cover music to this club that was supposed to be good (but yeah it wasent but it was free since i was staying at the hostal) till I found myself in a guitar circle with a bunch of punk rockers. So had a seat drank some beers and bull shit with people.  They end up getting kicked out of the area they were at cause it was near another hostal so they went to the beach to carry on and I end up just going to my room.  Day 51 I was not plan on going anywhere today just staying right here on the beach.  So grabbed some

juggle time

juggle time

bomb ass breakfast a mexicana crepe (normally i dont like crepes cause its more crepe than filling but this was amazing).  It was happy hour at noon so fuck why not get started on the buy one get one or deal. Finished up there after a few hours being at the restaurant cause the weather turned shitty like it was going to rain but it didnt rain so stayed longer than I planned.  Went over to check on my bike everything was good there and decided to just take in the beach anyways even though there was no sun.  There were guys just randomly juggling on the beach so watched them for a bit while grabbing more an more beers.  Walked around grabbed the amazing ceviche again stumpled around for a good while more till I met back up with the guy playing guitar the night before and ended up just drinking with him as well as hopping from bar to bar of places he knew.  I end up calling it a early night as in like

a night in Santa Rosa

a night in Santa Rosa

2am cause I wanted to get back on the road heading south tomorrow.  Day 52 woke up a bit late to miss the free breakfast the hotel offered but got the bike loaded up and while I was loaded old Betty Beam a guy on the same bike a 650 came by.  He was canadian and just flew down here rented a bike an been cruising around ecuador for 2 weeks.  We bull shit for awhile an then he took off and I was back on my way heading south.  I rode for 10 hrs to this small town of santa rosa near the peru border.  Didnt have a hotel so figured when I get there Ill find one and when i arrived i came up on a room for 18$ that had ac so I was in the room in no time at all.  Threw my stuff down and head out on the streets to take some photos before it got dark came back to the hotel relaxed for a bit and around 8pm went an grabbed some chicken from the only place that was open.  Grubbed that down uploaded some of my pictures and called it a night cause tomorrow I had to do another border crossing and a long ride south.

Taking a break on the side of the road with the Ecuador Flags waving away

Taking a break on the side of the road with the Ecuador Flags waving away

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