February 8, 2018

My trip to South America

986 miles and 20hrs of riding later arrived in La Paz, Mexico

Day 1-3 Baja of Mexico

So was going to write a journal on my trip even had my mom go out an buy me one but then i thought what good is that to keep everything a secret…. Read More


Day 4-5 – O You Need A Immigration Card From Me

Day 4 started off as a scorcher I got out of the hotel for some breakfast down along the water it was 10am beautiful day but fucking hot…. Read More


Day6-7-8-9 A Hurricane The Cartel and Coronas

Day 6 was another interesting day I found myself being woken up to my helmet and beer cans rolling from one end of my room to the other and feeling gravity pull me from my head one second then pulling from my toes…. Read More


Day 10-11-12 Long Hours on my ass some Waterfalls and Temples

Day 10 Was pretty much identical to day 9.  I woke up early 9am yeah thats what early is to me so suck it….          Read More


Day 13-14 Three Countries in Two Days

Day 13. After spending the day before 19hrs pretty much on a bus touring the waterfalls and the pyramids I didn’t think I get up early…. Read More


Day 15 What a Surprise

Wake up the next morning look at the weather on the computer it says thunderstorms I’m like well I’ll be Damn I don’t  hear shit…. Read More


Day 16-17-18 Scam, Hostal, and Partying

Day 16 so in the morning I wake up around 9 was thinking of staying here in El cuco but I got the energy to keep making my way south…. Read More


Day 19-20 $200 for a dent and a night of HELL

Day 19 wake up in the hostal and since my skin was still tender figure no point in staying on the beach so might as well make my way into Costa Rica…. Read More


Day 21-22-23-24 Nitro City and the Panama Canal

Day 21 I wake up early out of that damn hotel loaded the bike back up (Betty Beam didnt get messed with thankfully) and I headed south well technically east considering the shape of panama…. Read More


Day 25-30 New Friends Riding and Turning Wrenches

Day 25 Woke up at the hotel Michael from Florida emailed me and mentioned that he is going to just fly his bike to colombia its 1275…. Read More


Day 31-36 Beautiful islands Great People yet a Nightmare of a Boat 

Oct 4th Day 31 on the road I got up early to finish packing up my bike and also cause I had a hour an half ride from Panama City to the port city of Colon…. Read More



Days 37-40 Boozing in Cartagena with no Motorcycle

Oct 10th Day #37 Christian from germany and I shared a room at the hotel the night in tolu colombia as everyone else on the boat shared rooms in the same hotel with whoever they choose or came with…. Read More


Day 41-44 Bday Partying and Betty and I moving South

Oct 14th Day 41 wake up front desk has a bus heading to santa marta at  11am.  Pack the one bag I have and head down to the lobby for the bus….  Read More


Day 45-46-47 Friends Dead Gangster and Churches

Oct 18 45th day on the road got up in the morning the hotel I was staying at had free breakfast room service.  So chowed down some of the fruit an eggs I ordered and got in contact with Roscoe…. Read More

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Day 48-52 Equator with Bert, Iguanas and that Beach Life

Oct 21 Day 48 on the road.  Got up and out of my hotel in Pasto, Colombia and made some copies of my registration passport and my fake title and drivers license…. Read More


Days 53-57 Long Days of riding through Peru

Oct 26 Day 53 on the road got up out of my hotel in Santa Rosa Ecuador and headed to the border early in the morning…. Read More


Day 58-62 Meeting up with my boy Dru, riding Death Road, Crashing, and seeing lots of SALT 

Oct 31st day 58 on the road. So the night before I slept in an hut that I thought no one was around so I woke up in the mud and stone 3 wall building hopefully to get a a sweet picture of my home for the night…. Read More


Day 63 Salt Fucking Everywhere

Nov 5th Day 63 on the road. Got up to head back to the salt flats to take my bike for a ride up to a volcano the tour guide mentioned for me to do…. Read More


Day64-69 Broken Betty, a British Cunt and his Drug

Nov 6 Day 64 on the road. Michael says since I had bad luck on the salt flats maybe he will do just a tour.  I suggest the company I went with…. Read More


Day 70-75 World Cup, CCR Concert, and Betty still not working

Nov 12th Day 70. Wake up on the bus at the La Serena stop it was like 8am I believe.  I actually slept decent on the bus ride down just unfortunate I  tend to wake up early now a days…. Read More


Day 76 77 78 BETTY is ALIVE to up Chile to Argentina she goes

Nov 18th Day 76. Get up at 8am pack my the few things I actually took out last night and checked out of the…. Read More


Day 79-82 Water Falls in Argentina, Concert in Brazil

Nov 21st Day 79 on the road. Slept awesome the night before in on the tractor path I think cause I didnt sleep worth shit…. Read More

DCIM100GOPROG0230568.Day 83-86 Amazing Days of Camping and the city of Montevideo

Nov 25th Day 83 on the road. Get up and check out of the hotel to keep on heading south.  I only plan to ride a few hours just outside of Uruguays border…. Read More

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